Vasúti együttdolgozó acél-beton hídszerkezetek számítógépes tervezése a NEWLINE CSD program segítségével
Composite Steel-concrete Bridges Design with NEWLINE CSD / Software Proiectarea podurilor în structură mixtă oţel-beton cu ajutorul programului NEWLINE CSD
számítógépes tervezés, vasúti együttdolgozó acél-beton, NEWLINE CSDAbstract
The paper presents an optimization of the calculation of slab bridge superstructures with composite
steel-concrete section, dealing with three types of composite structures of this kind, for which the calculation
methods in the elastic-plastic field have been complied with the provisions of the European norms in force. In
this respect, the paper will present the calculation algorithm and the Newline CSD (Composite Structure Design)
railway bridge design program.
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