Emléktáblák a Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Ásványtani, Geokémiai és Kőzettani Tanszékén
Commemorative Plaques at University of Szeged, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology / Plăci comemorative la Departamentul de Mineralogie, Geochimie și Petrologie a Universității din Szeged
Szentpétery Zsigmond, Koch Sándor, Grasselly Gyula, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Ásványtani, Geokémiai és Kőzettani TanszékAbstract
The history of the Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology began in 1921, similarly to the present University of Szeged. In this year, the Hungarian Government, with the help of the exiled professors from the University of Kolozsvár, have established the Mineral and Geological Institute within Franz Joseph University, which was relocated to Szeged after the Trianon Peace Treaty, came in force in Transylvania. In this study, the life and working career of the former three Heads of Department professors can be followed, they are considered to be the school-founding individuals of Hungarian Earth Science.
The first person presented is Prof. Zsigmond Szentpétery, who led the Institute between 1924-1940. Prof. Szentpétery created, founded and developed the Department almost from scratch, as most of the assets, library and equipment have been left in Cluj as per the Trianon Dictation.
The second professor introduced is Sándor Koch, who acted as Head of Department between 1940-1968. He was the creator of the internationally renowned Sándor Koch mineral collection, which has been completed with his own mineral collection and specimens purchased on mineral collecting roads.
Finally, the third famous professor presented is Gyula Grasselly, he led the Department between 1968-1986. Prof. Grasselly who himself was an internationally renowned expert in manganese research, and during his leadership Geochemistry has been introduced as a new research field in the Department.
As a sign of our respect, all three professors have been honoured with commemorative plaques at the Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology. The memorial plaques of Prof. Zsigmond Szentpétery and Prof. Gyula Grasselly were placed at the entrance of the Microscope Room and Lecture Room bearing their name, respectively. Prof. Sándor Koch's memorial plaque has been inaugurated on his 100th birth anniversary and can be found at the entrance of the Department.
Istoria Departamentului de Mineralogie, Geochimie și Petrologie a început în 1921, similar cu cea a Universității. În acest an, cu ajutorul profesorilor care fuseseră expulzați de la Universitatea Cluj și refugiați în Ungaria, guvernul maghiar a înființat Institutul de Mineralogie și Geologie în cadrul Universității Franz Joseph, care a fost transferat la Szeged. În acest articol, urmărim viața și munca a trei foști profesori universitari, șefi de catedră, care sunt considerați persoane care au contribuit cel mai mult la realizarea școlii de știința pământului maghiar.
Prima persoană a fost Zsigmond Szentpétery, care a fost șeful institutului între anii 1924 și 1940. Profesorul Szentpétery a înființat și a dezvoltat departamentul de la zero, deoarece în urma dictatului de la Trianon biblioteca universității și echipamentele au rămas la Cluj. Al doilea profesor a fost Sándor Koch, care a fost șeful departamentului între 1940 și 1968. Sándor Koch este fondatorul colecției de minerale de renume internațional, completate cu propria colecție de minerale. Al treilea profesor a fost Gyula Grasselly, care a condus departamentul între 1968 și 1986. Profilul de cercetare al departamentului a fost completat de geochimie. Gyula Grasselly, profesor de geochimie, a fost un expert recunoscut pe plan internațional în cercetarea manganului. În semn de respect, toți cei trei profesori au primit plăci comemorative la catedră.
Az Ásványtani, Geokémiai és Kőzettani Tanszék és jogelődeinek története az egyeteméhez hasonlóan 1921-ben kezdődött. Ebben az évben a kolozsvári egyetemről kitoloncolt, Magyarországra menekült tanárok segítségével a magyar kormány a Szegedre áttelepített Ferenc József Tudományegyetem keretein belül létrehozta az Ásvány és Földtani Intézetet. A cikkben, a tanszék három egykori tanszékvezető egyetemi tanár életútját, munkásságát követjük nyomon, akik a hazai földtudomány iskolateremtő egyéniségeinek számítanak.
Az első személy Szentpétery Zsigmond, ő 1924-1940 között volt vezetője az intézetnek. A professzor a tanszéket jóformán a semmiből hozta létre, alapozta meg, fejlesztette, hiszen a trianoni diktátum értelmében az egyetem könyvtára, eszközállománya, felszerelése Kolozsváron maradt.
A második professzor Koch Sándor, aki 1940-1968 között volt tanszékvezető. Koch Sándor a saját ásvány gyűjteményével kiegészítve és az ásványgyűjtő utakon beszerzett példányokkal együtt, a nemzetközileg ismert ásványgyűjtemény megteremtője.
A harmadik professzor Grasselly Gyula, aki 1968-1986 között vezette a tanszéket. A tanszék kutatási profilja ekkor egészült ki a geokémiával. Grasselly Gyula geokémikus professzor, a mangán-kutatás nemzetközileg elismert szaktekintélye volt.
Tiszteletünk jeléül mindhárom professzor emléktáblát kapott a tanszéken. Szentpétery Zsigmond és Grasselly Gyula emléktáblái, a nevüket viselő mikroszkóp szoba, illetve előadóterem bejáratánál lettek elhelyezve. Koch Sándor emléktábláját születésének centenáriuma alkalmából avattuk fel, a tanszék bejáratánál.