Az Észak-Atlanti-óceán negyedidőszaki bentosz foraminifera együttesei: élőhely és környezeti tényezők

Quaternary benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the North Atlantic: habitat-depth and environmental effect


  • LÁZÁR Botond
  • SILYE Lóránd


bentosz, foraminifera, tafonómia, őskörnyezet


The Madeira Abyssal Plain (MAP) is a classical site where the benthic foraminiferal species exploiting phytodetritus were the first time observed [2, 5]. However, the previous data were collected from only one site [3], thus, little is known about the diversity and lateral distribution of modern and fossil benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the MAP. In the present work we present the results based on 26 samples (>63 μm) collected from the gravity core GeoB20305-6 retrieved during the MSM48 ADOMIS cruise. Our study highlights a difference between the foraminiferal assemblages present in A, E, and F turbidites. Furthermore, downward from the bottom part of Foxid+/-bioturb the sediment is barren of foraminiferal tests, suggesting that the colonization by the benthic foraminifera occurred only in the upper ~15 cm of the F turbidite.


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