Egy összetett alsó-miocén piroklasztit sorozat Észak-Magyarországról: az alsó-riolittufa vulkanoszedimentológiája

A complex Lower Miocene pyroclastic succession in Northern Hungary: volcanic sedimentology of the Lower Rhyolite Tuff


  • BÍRÓ Tamás
  • HENCZ Mátyás
  • KARÁTSON Dávid
  • CSERI Zoltán
  • SZAKÁCS Alexandru
  • HÍR János
  • PÉCSKAY Zoltán


alsó-riolittufa, ignimbrit, fizikai vulkanológia


The volcaniclastics of the lower rhyolite tuff in the Nógrád Basin (near Nemti) and in the Western Bükk Foreland (near Ostoros) preserve a complex explosive volcanic history. Although the two successions exhibit similar complexity, they are rather different. Hence, a layer-based physical volcanological investigation of the lower rhyolite tuff was required in order to better constrain on its usefulness as a marker horizon and to localize the vents which produced this pyroclastic complex.


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