Eobilateria transylvanica: a hipotetikus bilatéria ős?

Eobilateria transylvanica: the Bilaterian Hypothetical Ancestor?


  • PÁSZTOHY Zoltán


bilateria ancestor, pharyngeal gill, ciliated palp, eopodium, relict remains, /, bilateria ős, garati kopoltyú, csillós tapogató, eopódium, reliktum maradványok


The worm – like animal hosted in Neoproterozoic deposits of the East Carpathians Rebra Nappe, has a tripartite body consisting from head, neck and six inner segments. The slightly ventral flattened body is ended by serial repeated limb – like protuberances, named eopodia, which may have had reflected the blood vascular system and muscle concentrations, related to the nervous system. This animal presented bilateral symmetry and could represent the last common ancestor of all bilaterians.


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