Magyar matematikus, a 18. század egyik legnevesebb európai színvonalú tankönyvírója

Hungarian Mathematician one of the Most Prominent European-level Textbook Writer of the 18th Century / Matematician maghiar, unul dintre cei mai însemnați autori de manuale de nivel european din secolul al 18-lea


  • MADARAS Lászlóné


With our lecture, we retrace the life and work of Pál Makó, the encyclopaedic Jesuit monk of the century before the Bolyai’s, recognizing his achievements. With his European-level textbooks, he founded that the development of natural sciences in Hungary in the second half of the 18th century could have gone one level with more developed regions of Europe. He joined to the Jesuit Order in 1741, and became the professor of mathematics, experimental physics and philosophy at the Vienna Theresianum, where he remained until 1773. After moving the University of Nagyszombat to Buda he became president of the faculty of philosophy at the University of Budapest. He wrote numerous European-level textbooks in mathematics, logic, physics, philosophy, and other disciplines, mostly intended for the use of students. Most significant above them a handbook on differential and integral calculus (“Calculi differentialis et integralis instituto" The Basics of Differential and Integral Calculation for Beginners in Vienna, 1768). The world appears to Makó as a huge machine that follows its own laws. The total acceptance of Newtonian physics is evident in his textbooks. The world appears to Makó as a huge machine that follows its own laws. Pál Makó had a part in the preparation of the Ratio Educationis (1777), which reformed the imperial teaching system in the spirit of Enlightenment.


Lucrarea prezintă viața și activitatea călugărului iezuit Pál Makó, savant renumit al vremii care a contribuit la realizarea unor manuale de nivel european în secolul al 18-lea. Cel mai important manual scris de el este Calculi differentialis et integralis instituto, tipărit în anul 1768. Pál Makó a participat la pregătirea documentului Ratio Educationis (1777), care a reformat învățământul imperial.


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