A Nemes Tihamér Nemzetközi Programozási Verseny Erdélyi Regionális Fordulójának 33 éve

33 years of the Transylvanian Regional Level of Nemes Tihamér Computer Science Competition / 33 de ani de Concurs de Informatică „Nemes Tihamér” la Nivelul Regional Transilvanean


  • KOVÁCS Lehel István


Nemes Tihamér Verseny, Erdélyi Regionális Versenybizottság, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, diákolimpiák, diákolimpiák


The Hungarian Technical Scientific Society of Transylvania, together with the Hungary-based John von Neumann Computer Society organizes every year the Nemes Tihamér Computer Science Competition for children completing their primary education. Students can participate in three categories: grades V–VIII (first category), grades IX–X (second category) and grades XI–XII (third category). The competition has three levels: local, regional, and the final level organized in Budapest, Hungary. In 2024, we organized the 33rd edition of the Transylvanian Regional Level. These 33 years are a significant period, as thousands of school and high school students participated in the various turns, the competition determined the professional advancement, career choice, and university life of those who advanced.


În 2024 am organizat cea de-a 33-a ediție la nivelul regional transilvanean a Concursului Internațional de Programare Nemes Tihamér. Acești 33 de ani sunt o perioadă semnificativă, întrucât mii de elevi de școală și liceu au participat la diferitele runde, competiția a determinat avansarea profesională, alegerea carierei și viața universitară a celor care au avansat.


2024-ben szerveztük meg a Nemes Tihamér Nemzetközi Programozási Verseny Erdélyi Regionális Fordulójának 33. kiadását. Jelentős időszak ez a 33 év, hisz iskolás és középiskolás diákok ezrei vettek részt a különböző fordulókon, a verseny meghatározta a továbbjutók szakmai előmenetelét, pályaválasztását, egyetemista életét.






