DIM ESEE v.2 – Dubrovnik Nemzetközi ESEE Bányászati Iskola
DIM ESEE v.2 – Dubrovnik International ESEE Mining School
DIM ESEE, innováció, kurzus, workshopAbstract
Low level of innovativeness in the Eastern and Southeastern European (ESEE) rawmaterial sector is partly related to lack of professional courses. Project aims to implement four innovation workshops in exploration, orebody characterization, extraction, and ore processing for the ESEE RM-professionals, and four spin-off programmes for RM-students at the participating ESEE Universities. Programmes content has been drafted based on questionnaire campaign conducted in the ESEE region [1].
DIM ESEE v.2 project honlapja; Letöltés: 2021.03.01.; https://eitrawmaterials.eu/project/dimesee-2