Ásványi és más építési eredetű hulladék anyagokból készített hőszigetelő kompozitok műszaki jellemzésének néhány kérdése

Some questions of qualifying heat insulating composites made of construction and mineral wastes


  • MOLNÁR József


építőanyag, kompozit, hulladék, geopolimer, anyagvizsgálat


Partial utilization of wastes produced by modern human society can reduce amount of disposed waste, furthermore saleable products can be produced. Heat insulating tiles can be made of certain construction wastes as aggregate and solidified fly ash from coal fired power plants as binding agent. Certain wastes such as saw dust, wooden chips, expanded polystyrene granules, polyurethane, etc. can be used as aggregates of the composites. Composite construction materials made of wastes must be qualified as any other materials not containing waste components. If heat insulating blocks are examined, mostly their thermal, fire safety and mechanical properties must be examined. Especially for polymer waste base material as they generate poisoning and sometimes carcinogenic gases while burning.

Basic aspects of this qualification are revised in this paper. This is mostly based on the construction materials and rock mechanics topics which are parts of educating mining engineering students at Institution of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering, University of Miskolc. Furthermore laboratories of other institutions of Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering mostly of Institution of Raw Materials Preparation and Environmental Processing.


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