A lég- és talajhőmérsékleti viszonyok együttváltozásának vizsgálata a hóborítottság és talajfagy mértékének alapján a Bükk-fennsíki Mohos-töbörben
The correlation analysis of air and soil temperature based of the snow covering and the soil frost, at the Mohos sinkhole, Bükk platou
sinkhole, microclimate, soil temperature, snow covering, temperature inversion, /, töbör, mikroklíma, talajhőmérséklet, hótakaró, hőmérsékleti inverzióAbstract
The investigation of soil temperature based on snow cover and soil frost is followable in a microclimatic environment by the interactions of higher influencing factors. The temporal, spatial, qualitative and quantitative distribution of the seasonal snow covering determines the exposure of the near-surface soil layer to the external air temperature. The cold microclimate of the Mohos sinkhole (Hungary) makes the research area the natural laboratory to analyze the atmospheric-surface interactions, based on snow depth.
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