A széki Entzia macrescens populációdinamikája a vízkémiai paraméterek tükrében

The Entzia macrescens`s population dynamics and its relationship to the water chemistry


  • LÁSZLÓ Ákos
  • KÖVECSI Szabolcs-Attila
  • KIS Boglárka-Mercédesz
  • SILYE Lóránd


agglutinated formainfiera,, water chemistry, biometrics, Sic, Recent, /, agglutinált foraminifera, vízkémia, biometria, Szék, recens


The only extant foraminifera species present in the Transylvanian Basin is Entzia macrescens. First recorded by Jenő Daday in continental salt marshes near Deva, living and subfossil specimens were identified near Sic (Szék) in 2017. Subsequently, we initiated a systematic sampling effort to investigate the population dynamics and morphology of E. macrescens. Our findings indicate that, irrespective of water parameters, the samples consistently exhibited assemblages of E. macrescens with test sizes following a normal distribution. This suggests the existence of well-structured populations of E. macrescens in saltwater marshes at Sic


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