Talajképző tényezők és a talajadottságok változása a Duna árterén, Apostag esettanulmány

Soil forming factors and soil variability of the Danube floodplain, a case study in Apostag


  • DOBOS Endre
  • FÉLEGYHÁZI Fruzsina
  • MOLNÁR Ferenc
  • RAJHI Mohamed
  • DOBAI András


sinkhole, microclimate, soil temperature, snow covering, temperature inversion, /, talaj, talajképző tényezők, Duna-ártér, öntéstalajok


This paper aims to summarize the main soil forming factors of the Danube floodplain. This very young surface is characterized by a great variability of parent materials, having 10 to 75 % CaCO3 content within the upper 1-meter depth. Due to the fluvial origin, abruptly changing texture classes dominate the area, which often cause water stagnation and salt accumulation within the soil profiles. The geomorphology of the area is the most dominant variable that explains the soil variability and the changing physical and chemical soil properties.


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