Erőműi széntüzelés szilárd melléktermékeiből készült kompozitok mechanikai jellemzői
Mechanical properties of composite construction materials made of the solid byproducts coal combustion in a coal-fired power plant
szénbányászat, energiahordozók, gipsz, kompozitok, környezetvédelem, energiabiztonságAbstract
A huge amount of fly ash and flue gas desulfurizing gypsum is produced annually in power plants as byproducts of generating electricity, using lignite as fuel. These fine-grained materials are usually disposed as industrial waste, and only a small part of them is utilized for different purposes. Gypsum is principally used for manufacturing wallboard elements for in-house applications, fly ash is usually utilized as filler and as hydraulic component of heterogeneous cements. Manufacturing composites of these components seems to be another new way of utilization. A long-term research is being performed at Department of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering at University of Miskolc (Hungary) in order to determine the basic characteristics of these materials. Its latest results are the mechanical characteristics of the composites in question, such as compressive and tensile strength as a function of composition.
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