A domborzatpusztulás mennyiségének becslése az Erdélyi-medencében és a Keleti-Kárpátok különböző felszíntípusain

Estimations regarding the quantity of denudation in the Transylvanian Basin and on different surface types in the East Carpathians


  • FARKAS Attila


initial surface, denudation, summit level, trend surface, /, kiindulási felszín, lepusztulás, oromszint, trendfelület


Estimations of surface denudation are presented on three different types of relief, which have been eroded since the Late Miocene. These investigations were made in two steps: 1. the digital reconstruction of the initial surfaces and 2. calculating the altimetrically differences between these and the actual surfaces. Our results show an erosion of a few hundreds meters, which are compatible with the earlier geomorphological estimates, but are in a great contrast, when compared with the much greater (appr. 6 km) values yielded by the thermochronological analyses.


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