A riolittufa mezőgazdasági felhasználásban rejlő lehetőségek

The potential of rhyolite tuff in the agricultural use


  • Balázs SZELECZKI
  • Ferenc KRISTÁLY
  • Richárd TOMPA


riolittufa; talaj vízháztartás, zeolit, biomineralizáció, tápanyag


The rhyolite tuff from the Bodrogkeresztúr open pit can be classified into two typical types. One type is the zeolite (mordenite) enriched, which has a higher strength and is currently not exploited. The other type is poor in mordenite and generally zeolites, and the structure of this material is looser which is currently still in mining. Size fractions prepared at the mining site were used in laboratory experiments to determine the water retention capability if embedded is soil.


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