Hévíz felhasználásával történő földgázfelhasználás csökkentés egy kisvárosban

Reducing natural gas consumption in a small town with the utilization of hot springs


  • Marianna VADÁSZI
  • Endre BITAY


hot water, geothermal energy, energy consumption, district heat, CO2, hot water, geothermal energy, energy consumption, district heat, CO2, /, hévíz, geotermia, energiafelhasználás, távhő


The increasing use of regenerable energy systems is essential for sustainable development. Energy consumption can be characterized by an increasing trend worldwide, and according to forecasts, geothermal energy has an increasing share in both the production of electricity and the use for heating purposes. The sustainable use of geothermal energy is compatible with the well-being of future generations and it is also environmentally friendly. In Hungary, the utilization of the energy content of thermal waters accounts for a significant share of geothermal energy consumption. This is supplemented by bringing the energy content of the shallow subsurface layers (less 200 m) to the surface by using ground probes and heat pumps without water production. This paper provides an overview of the development of the district heating supply of a settlement, the reduction of natural gas consumption using thermal water wells, an is an overview of the solutions applied to reduce the CO2 emissions of the newly installed system.


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