Újabb adatok a széki sós mocsárban előforduló Entzia macrescens populációjára és élőhelyére vonatkozóan

New data on the population and habitat of Entzia macrescens occuring in the salt marsh of Sic


  • Ákos LÁSZLÓ
  • Szabolcs-Attila KÖVECSI
  • Boglárka-Mercedesz KIS
  • Lóránd SILYE


Entzia, vízkémia, biometria, Szék, recens


The Entzia macrescens, found and described by Jenő Daday in 1883 as Entzia tetrastomella from the salt marshes around Deva, is the only known extant foraminifera species occurring in the Transylvanian Basin. The original habitat of this taxa is not existing anymore, however living and subfossil specimens belonging to this species were identified in 2017 near Sic (Szék) in Cluj County, Romania. As a result, in 2022 we started a monthly based sampling in order to study the population dynamics and morphology of E. macrescens, and to better constrain its habitat highly impacted by human activity. Our results show, that the environmental gradients suffer considerable changes over the year, even so the E. macrescens assemblages thrive, which suggests that the E. macrescens has a remarkably resistance towards the environmental parameters and habitat destruction in Sic.



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