Geotermikus energia hasznosítás a Kárpát-medencében - lehetőségek és kihívások válság idején

Geothermal energy utilization in the Carpathian Basin - opportunities and challenges during crisis


  • Tamás MADARÁSZ


Geothermal potential in the Pannonian-basin, geothermal energy utlization, innovation, EGS, /, Geotermális potenciál a Pannon-medencében, geotermális energia hasznosítás, innováció


In this paper I will briefly attempt to outline the main opportunities for geothermal energy exploitation, the global trends in exploitations and expectations for the sector. Despite the well-known potential of Hungary’s geothermal resources, its widespread exploitation is still a long way off, although the transition in the energy sector that has given a high priority to the exploitation of renewable energy sources. Technology breakthrough is particularly difficult in the field of electricity generation, where the main obstacles are the lack of risk management practices for investors and the lack of disruptive innovation in a number of inevitable technology


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