A mállási index (slake durability index) viselkedésének megértésére tett próbálkozások a szárazföldi Nádasvölgyi Formációból származó magminták esetén

Attempt to understand the behaviour of slaked durability index of some core samples recoverd from the continental Valea Nadășului Formation


  • Szabolcs Attila KÖVECSI
  • Andor CSABAI
  • Eduárd ANDRÁS
  • Tudor TĂMAȘ
  • Lóránd SILYE


alkalmazott földtan, kontinentális környezet, eocén, Erdélyi-medence


The slake durability index, developed in the second half of the 20th century, is widley used in geotechnic studies to determine the disintegration carachteristics of the weeakly cemented sedimentary rocks. In this work we present the slake durability characteristics of some core samples recovered from the Eocene Valea Nadășului Formation which consist of clays, sands and clayey sands deposited in a continental setting.


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ASTM INTERNATIONAL. 2021: Standard Test Method for Rapid Determination of Carbonate Contet of Soils (ASTM D4373 – 14)

FRANKLIN, J.A., CHANDRA, R. 1972: The slake durability test. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Minning Science & Geomechanics Abstract, 9, 235 – 341.

POPESCU, B. 1978: On the lithostratigraphic nomenclature of the NW Transylvanian Eocene. Revue romaine de géologie, géophysique et géographie. Serie de géologie. 22, 99 – 107.

TAMRAKAR, N.K., KUSHWAHA, S.P., MAHARJAN, S. 2021: Slake durability indeces and slaking characteristics of mudrocks of the Siwalik Group, Central Nepal. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications. 11/1, 59 –73.


