Többrétegű lemezes kompozit szerkezet gyártása nagy mágneses mezők árnyékolására szupravezető állapotban

Production of a multilayer plate composite structure for shielding large magnetic fields in a superconducting state


  • Gábor SZABÓ


niobium, niobium-titanium, composite, superconducting material, rolling, /, nióbium, nióbium-titán, kompozit, szupravezető anyag, hengerlés


In this study, we dealt with the production of a multilayer plate composite structure. The structure is suitable for shieldaing large magnetic fields in the superconducting state. The multi-layer Cooper, Niobium and Niobium-Titanium alloys were rolled hot and then cold in a special cassette. After rolling, the layer boundaries were subjected to various tests and analyzed.


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