Új szempontok homorú ívelt profilú hengeres csigahajtások geometriai méretezéséhez, hordkép lokalizálásához

New Viewpoints to Geometrical Dimensioning and Bearing Pattern Localization of Cylindrical Worm Gear Drives Having Concave Arched Profil / Noi puncte de vedere în dimensionarea geometrică a transmisiilor melcate cu profil curb concav și localizarea petei de contact


  • BALAJTI Zsuzsa
  • DUDÁS Illés


csiga, kapcsolódási tengelyek, csomópont, hordkép, geometria


In this paper reader can have new viewpoints to design worm gear drives with concave arched profile on the cylindrical worm. The new viewpoint can help to optimize the bearing pattern with design of the geometrical parameters of the profile of the worm.
The first manufacturing of arched worm in axial section was in 1972, in DIGÉP [5]. Since then the
development of research is in process in this area. The aim is the processing of the connection between the bearing pattern and the geometrical parameters in this paper.


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